Friendship  13 Apr 2017

u wanna know aboot dis edgy teen?

Not sure why bother going on sites like these- it's not easy to find people like me. I guess to most I am a bit weird? I'm an artist, a writer, a poet and I consider myself smarter than most teenagers my age- and not in the sense that I get good grades but that I am able to think logically. I am pretty laid back though and I always try to make people happy and smile. I suffer from anxiety and bipolar depression. I have no religion. I am supportive and I try hard to be a kind and caring person even to people who don't deserve it. I'm not the most pretty person on this planet either but I believe in personality over looks. I'm 5 foot 1 or 2? Short af, lol. And I am rather chubby but I am happy enough with how I look? ?(I try to be but when society expects teenage girls to look like toothpicks shit gets hard] I am a bit of a dork- I draw animeish/cartoonish art and I watch stuff like steven universe. I'm a honest person and yea that's about what you need to know for now? /Shit forgot to say, yea I am female I just admire the name zane even tho it's more of a guys name// fite me XD

