Friendship  23 Mar 2022

Teenage boy - Poetry

I am a teenage boy in a world full of hurt,
I wonder if I am all alone,
I hear the whispers when I walk by,
I see the people laughing and staring,
I want to be seen for me not my appearance,
I am a teenage boy in a world full of hurt,

I pretend the hallways are empty,
I feel that no one gets me,
I touch the tears to wipe them away,
I worry I am not good enough,
I cry when I remember my past,
I am a teenage boy in a world full of hurt,

I understand the "nobody.s"
I say "brush it off" with a big smile on my face,
I dream I will one day be comfortable in my own skin,
I try to remember I am important,
I hope it gets better,
I am a teenage boy in a world full of hurt

