


16 · Man · Palm Bay, FL

 · 117 Visits

William twitter username
Security   Validated mail   IP registration   ISP : Does not look like a BOT   Does not use a known temporary email  

About me

I don"t really get put much and at the moment my family"s a wreck but I would love to meet someone, I"m mainly looking for a guy but a girl"s fine to.

I just want affection and I hope you like me...

Sexuality: Demisexual and Bisexual


Pronouns: any is fine IDC

Loves:cookies mostly chocolate, furries i am one, coloring, sleeping, reading,learning art.

Hates:rude people even when I am,haters,untrustworthy people.

Religion: Agnostic

Extra:I"m skeptical, can be shy,try to be nice,can be angered easily, can make racist and dark jokes though they are bad jokes,can be very lazy

Now plz be advised that I"m shy around dating and I am very into pleasing people just keep it normal if you wanna date me